Flexible travel to: Hen Parties, Stag Parties, Birthday Parties, Ann Summers Parties,
Ladies Nights, Gentleman's evenings, Office, Charity and Leaving functions.
Last minute bookings.
Hen Party Life Drawing Games with Prizes
Some hen parties request fun drawing games to make it more creative and interactive. Gifts to winners are always handed out at the end. Popular games include:
Don't take your hand off the page with time limit
Supersize your favourite feature (!)
Funniest Drawing... and other 'Judge the Drawing' Categories
A game which usually sets off hysterical fits of laughter is 'funniest drawing'. Whether it be giving the model a radical makeover, an exaggerated caricature, abstract art, imaginary poses or supersized features.
Other categories such as most technically accurate, most original with personality/ expression can win a special prize judged by the model. Why not give the best drawing to the bride-to-be signed with good luck messages from all her friends as a gift!
Criteria's for winning a surprise gift at the end include:
How well does the drawing fit the theme? Eg. Funniest
How original is the drawing? Is it completely the artist's idea?
How much effort was put into the drawing? Does it look like a measly sketch, or was a lot of effort put into the work?
How good is the shading?
Winner of best drawing receives a special surprise gift at the end of the class! The bride also receives a special wedding gift.